
The Thesaurus of Modern Slovene provides a number of different ways to include the user community in the database construction process. The activities supported by the platform include entry evaluation, direct addition of new suggestions, public debate on existing solutions and automatic import of existing synonym materials into the thesaurus.

Evaluation of existing entries

The data in individual thesaurus entries can be rated as good or poor. During updates, these ratings will be taken into account in order to re-arrange or remove data accordingly. The same approach can be applied to user-added synonyms and allows the community to evaluate whether newly added suggestions are valid and useful.

Addition of new synonyms

Each entry includes a section for user-added synonyms. Synonyms suggested by the users are displayed in the entry immediately after submission. In case the user possesses a larger quantity of language material to be included in the thesaurus, it can be imported automatically (the contact for such cases is

User contributions in the dictionary database

Users can contribute their own suggestions for synonyms and antonyms to the dictionary. Each new suggestion appears in the dictionary immediately upon submission, and the community has the option to give it positive or negative votes. Starting from version 2.0, selected user contributions will also be included in the openly accessible Thesaurus database and the Digital Dictionary Database for Slovene. For the inclusion, we will consider the following criteria:

  • Does the proposed word or phrase occur in real language use?
  • Has it been added under the appropriate headword considering its meaning?
  • Does it require a dictionary label, and if so, has a label suggestion been provided?
  • How have other users responded to the suggestion?

Regardless of whether the suggestion is included in the database or not, it will remain available in the dictionary interface. In exceptional cases, entries that are malicious or similiarly problematic will be removed.

Systematic collection of empirical data

The Centre for Language Resources and Technologies (CJVT) of the University of Ljubljana is the first Slovene research institution to systematically collect empirical data on the habits, wishes and needs of the users of language reference works and tools. The results of earlier studies have already been implemented in the interface design, while feedback obtained from future evaluations will be used to further improve the Thesaurus of Modern Slovene and other language resources made by CJVT.

If you wish to contribute to the development of language resources as part of a dedicated evaluation group, you can contact or subscribe to our Newsletter.


Most active users

Users who suggested the highest number of new synonyms.

# Username Synonyms
1 Saša Jenko Pahor 37.075
2 Ferdo 26.243
3 RD 15.647
4 TatjanaJ 4.433
5 mojmih 974
6 697
7 Polona B. 642
8 kl 486
9 Poulonca 248
10 mm 232
Best-rated suggestions

Best-rated synonyms added by users.

# Synonym Votes
1 smaragden 36 / 6
2 nevešč 33 / 2
3 besednjak protipomenk 30 / 9
4 preblisk 30 / 1
5 vipavsko vino 23 / 4
6 bajta 23 / 1
7 vokabular antonimov 19 / 6
8 domislek 18 / 0
9 neizurjen 17 / 2
10 zelene barve 17 / 7